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Learn and collaborate from anywhere

Deploy and manage simple

Built accessible for all learners

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Learn from anywhere


  • Students can access their apps, settings, and more from any device

  • Prepare students for the future with collaborative projects that deepen digital skills

  • Discover and share new apps with educators using the Chromebook App Hub

Learn from anywhere.jpg
Accessible for all learners by Kloeys Cl


Accessible for all learners

  • Centrally manage hundreds of thousands of devices from the Admin Console

  • Versatile form factors to suit different budgets and needs

  • Shareable devices can be used across multiple classrooms and students

Reimagine your office

Chromebooks are secure, simple and shareable devices that help you stay productive and connected. Here are some helpful tips for working from home.

Kloeys Cloud Computing, thé Google Cloud Partner in europe offers full support to advise in efficient cloud computing.

Reimagine your office with Kloeys Cloud
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